General informations

I am a professional Dominatrix and not an escort. If you don't know the difference, google it before you approach me.

I am available daily from 10:00h.

Reservations only in advance and with deposit.

My tribute increases after 21:00h and short-term bookings under 6 hours.

Sessions with another Dominatrix, Master or another sub (female, male, trans) are possible on request.

What kind of sessions are offered

BDSM FemDom Sessions in my play-space "Boudoir BDSM"

Longterm imprisonments in one of my 3 prison cells.

Online sessions: I am not interested in regular online/chat/phone etc. sessions.

But I am open for 24/7 total remote monitoring and control and structuring of your daily life if your profile matches my requirements. Only on a monthly basis and under tribute.

How to book a session

Contact me always politely and with the appropriate respect.

I do not accept phone calls.

I attach particular importance to your self-introduction.

Don’t be shy, I love to read.


My tribute is non-negotiable

Any attempt to haggle over it is pointless.

It just shows me that you lack the necessary respect.

For tribute details contact me.


A deposit is always required

Sessions will NOT be booked without a deposit.

I have NO time for Timewasters

The deposit is NON refundable


Life happens

If it gets in your way, cancel the session in time.

If you cancel in time before the session, you can reschedule the session within one month after cancellation.


Just as my own privacy is very important to me, I also respect yours.

I’m not interested in your private life and if we ever meet on the street, I won’t know you.

I will not share any data or other information about you.

I expect the same from you.

Trust and integrity are the most essential!


I conduct my sessions in my professional, well-equipped and privacy-preserving dungeon "Boudoir BDSM", near Barcelona Sants.

Public Disgrace Sessions can take place in a variety of locations.

Dinner and shopping invitations are welcome under tribute.


I prefer to conduct my sessions in English or German.

But if the sessions are not language intensive, it is also possible to conduct them in Spanish or French.